Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Grammy and Grumpy's Birthday Weekend!

We just returned from a great weekend visiting Brian's family. Brian/aka: Grampa Grumpy's birthday was Saturday and Sue/aka: Grammy's birthday was Sunday! It was a full weekend of birthday celebrations, playing and catching up. Jada had a great time with her 4 year old cousin Madyson. They sat at their own table, rode in a fun wagon, played on the swing and of course, played fetch with Samson! These are a few pics from the weekend!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

a little catch up...

Wow, this year has really been great...just crazy busy! Jada girl has grown so much and is doing so many fun things!!! She is repeating a lot of words, she has said "Hi" to all of her toys and just about everyone at any store...when she wakes up I walk into her room to get her and she just smiles and says "Hi." It's pretty darn cute! She also got a new wagon b/c she is obviously too mature for her baby stroller :) and she has LOVES it.

These pics are from two weekends ago. It was Mike's birthday and he wanted to take Jada to the park to feed the ducks...it was truly a lot of fun, the ducks were certainly not shy about their love for the bread and they especially liked Jada b/c she would throw whole pieces of bread at them!! After she finished successfully feeding the ducks the whole loaf, we walked through the park and read a sign that says "Please don't feed the ducks"...oops!