It was a day that we will no doubt remeber, but certainly not in the ways that we truly desired. Mia was due today, and instead of going to the hospital and delivering a beautiful baby girl named Mia Carolyn, we went to the cemetary and looked at our precous daughter's headstone. It really stunk. Brian and I wept, Brian read the letter that he read at Mia's funeral while we were there, and then we prayed. That was this morning.
We were encouraged to begin journals that we write letters to Mia or to the Lord in on this day every year...and we each did that, which was a good honest time for both of us. Brian and I miss Mia and there is absolutely nothing that can change that. We wanted her desperately and are more hopeful than ever for the day that we will get to run and play with her in heaven.
Until then, we hope for more children (the sooner the better :)) and we hope that Mia's life will continue to impact the earth for God's kingdom. We hope this because of God's great love for us and His great love displayed to us through you all...thank you for your love, e-mails and simply remembering us today.
Tonight we began praying with Jada for "mommy to get pregnant and for Jada to have a baby sister or brother soon". She was excited to pray for that with us and we are hopeful for our family to experience God's goodness through answered prayer.
As promised, here are the photos of Mia's headstone.