Thursday, June 26, 2008

a fun update!

I have done a really poor job of updating our blog...I've been extra tired and a little sick to my stomach...but I am feeling much better now...because I'm almost at the end of my first trimester of pregnancy!!! We are expecting Baby Lee #2 in January 2009 :) We are so excited and thankful to the Lord for giving us this sweet gift of another child! He/She is the product of our prayers and our friends and family's praise the Lord!

In other news...Jada (the big sis) is talking up a storm and is really becoming her own little person. A funny story, we were at "The Farm Patch" yesterday, a local fruit and veggie store. The sweet old man that runs it brought Jada a banana to eat while we were shopping. She took it gladly, said "Tay Too" (translated Thank you) then blew him a kiss....all without any prompting from mom. The sweet man loved it too:) I have attached some recent photos I took of Jada.

Our good friends, the Cavins, are moving to Tennessee on Saturday. They are truly like family to us and we are really mad at them for moving...just kidding, but we will miss them like crazy. Jada and Sam, their son, are great friends and Jada will miss Sam a lot too. We really are excited about what the Lord has in store for the Cavin family in Tennessee...Drew earned his PHD at A&M and is going to be a professor at a school there. So, we love you'll be missed! I have attached a couple of fun photos of Sam from our photo shoot the other day...the last one is a bit too symbolic to not be staged!


  1. Aw, sweet babies! Congratulations and many, many blessings on your new little Lee! We're still working on #1, so we would really appreciate your prayers in that department, too! Please tell Brian "hello" from the Panhandle!

  2. oh what great pictures! they both look so big to me, like a little girl and boy, not babies! is that sam's bike or jada's?

  3. Congrats, Lees! Another beautiful baby! Keep us bloggers updated with prayer requests, and news of your sweet blessing...

  4. Congratulations Steph!!!!!!!!!

  5. Absolutely can't wait until your visit. That little Jada is such a big girl now. I feel like I have missed so much. Can't wait to have a "girlie" conversation with her. I don't and wont get many around this house!

  6. Congratulation on the expected arrival of baby #2! What a blessing children are, especially children with you guys as parents!

    And Jada is looking so big, and adorable. Wow!

  7. Hey, Steph. Yay!! Tell Brian congrats from us also.

  8. I'm SO excited for you guys!!! The Lord is SO good to answers all the prayers in His perfect timing!!! AND, I'm SO glad your blogging again! Happy vacation! Jada is growing like a weed, we'll have to make a trip before the summer is out and #3 takes over our lives!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
