Monday, April 27, 2009

baby lee update and jason upton

We went to the doc today and heard baby lee's heartbeat...everything is going great! On May 27th we will (Lord willing) find out if our sweet one is a boy or girl! So fun!

And I just wanted to add that I am such a fan of Jason Upton...there are lots of reasons why he is one of my favorite worship leaders, but tonight I was reminded of something he says in one of his songs "There's a new generation arising, A nameless, faceless, placeless tribe, All they fear is the fear of the Lord, All they hear is the Lion of Judah"...the phrase about the only thing I fear being the Lord...I want to live that way.
I want to watch, hear, listen, communicate and be in the kind of relationship with Christ that I am free from all fears of trying to please anyone, including myself, and simply long to please Him.


  1. ME TOO!!! just finished Ecclesiasties today...

    "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person." 12:13

    AMEN. I LOVE YOU!!! come on, when's our retreat?
