Thursday, April 23, 2009

happy to go and happy to be back...

New York was fabulous. In a nutshell: The dancers from our studio are precious girls with genuine hearts to worship in honest ways! They beautifully displayed God's heart as they danced and I was so happy to be a part of them.

There were a few things that I experienced on a personal level as I left the normalcy of "home." On the plane I was weepy about how happy I was to be traveling with my sweet baby Lee. I was able to really think and pray in undistracted ways. I am so grateful.

Also, in the undistracted moments I was brought to a fresh place of sadness missing Mia. This was sparked on Friday evening when the "project dance" organization put on a really powerful worship meeting through live music and dancing. I have LOVED this meeting in the past and was super excited about all that God had in store for the girls and for me. And God truly did not disappoint.

As the meeting began, more than anything, I was convinced that I was supposed to sit and watch the other dancers worship, rather than dance. And as I did, something began stirring in me about the condition of my heart still being sad and I was able to simply weep. As I watched an older woman freely dance through song after song, I truly felt released to see the Lord through older women who have been seasoned through good and bad times and love God deeply b/c of it. I have this new fire to know older women's Brian encouraged me to read women's biographies. I will and I totally expect to be challenged, comforted and continually freed to trust God more. If any of you have any biographies that you want to suggest I would love to know!

And was a great and there are so many more stories and things that God did...and I am really happy to be back in good ol' BCS with my wonderful husband and sweet Jada girl (who is potty trained now:) YAY!


  1. We loved being with you and experiencing so many things, not only with you...but because of you...dear tresured and beloved friend.

  2. Aunt Dawn and MadysonApril 24, 2009 at 12:36 PM

    I think the Dora panties did it!

  3. Look up Doris Tarbutton- she has two books, Beyond the Alter and The Most Expensive Gift: Forgiveness. She actually goes to our church and these two books are powerful testimonies from her life- she's one of the most humble and truthful women I've met during my years in the ministry. While there are MANY women of old to read about, she is one I know today that is being used in mighty ways for the kingdom. Blessings sister.
