Saturday, January 24, 2009

Intimacy NB

First...thank you for your prayers. Intimacy New Braunfels was truly sweet, there was something almost other-worldly about speaking to young women in the sanctuary of TbarM. I was a counselor there almost 11 years ago...and...I met my Brian there!!! There were some truly amazing responses from the girls and I truly delighted in the time that I had with many of them.

Thanks for your encouragement. I am looking forward to the next few weeks of "normal".

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Steph,

    Found this quote on hope and certainly thought about your incredible journey God has placed you on where you are learning daily to place all your HOPE in Him.
    "Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible,and achieves the impossible." Helen Keller
    Such a reminder that with God all things are possible!
    My adult Sunday school class which is co -ed is ready to hear you speak on HOPE! Aferward maybe you and I can go have our date =) at the parlor =)! What does the first Sunday in Feb look like? I think it is the 8th at 9:30 a.m. ??? They are ready to hear your message which God has given you. I wait in anticpation to see how the Holy Spirit will move through you.
    You are SOOOOOOOOO loved!!!!
    Sara =) =)
