Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pics :)

Our friend and our midwife from Kiva's labor gave Kiva this sweet little gown...so I thought I would take her pic in it today. I am having so much fun with this little one!


  1. oh my word, she is beautiful! i wanna get my hands on her so, so bad!!!

  2. So excited about your growing beautiful family. What a blessing!

    Don't know if you remember me from Living Hope, but I met you years ago. Your fam is precious.

    Oh, and Shauna was my college roommate, lifelong friend, and one who introduced my hubby to me. I love that girl! So glad God crossed your paths. She is a fun one!

    Anyways, just wanted to say "hi". Your little ones are beautiful.

    We have 3 girls and they are a total blast!
